Country-by-Country Report statistics explorer

Compare and analyse multinationals’ activities and payments globally

Welcome to the Country-by-Country Report statistics explorer, our new tool to examine key financial data of the largest multinational groups published by the OECD: anonymised and aggregated Country-by-Country Report statistics. These data represent an important new source of information on the global tax and economic activities of multinational enterprises.

The explorer allows you to compare and analyse multinationals’ activities and payments in different jurisdictions. The visualisation of the data aims at providing more transparency into the corporate tax world by visualising how much multinationals earn and pay in taxes in countries of their operation. Before exploring the data we advise to read the description of the main data limitations provided in this disclaimer.

2018 CbCR statistics aggregate the activities

  • of over 6000 multinational groups
  • headquartered in 46 jurisdictions
  • with activities across more than 200 jurisdictions.